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100 Essential E-Learning Statistics for 2022

These are the 100 most important online learning statistics from 43 credible sources.

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Today’s educational landscape is going through a revolution unlike any we’ve ever seen before. The e-learning industry growth statistics aren’t showing any signs of slowing down, and the corporate e-learning sector is expected to grow by as much as $38 billion from 2020 to 2024. The largest EdTech companies such as Coursera are already valued at well over $1 billion, and they will be the driving force of the entire online education industry.

Through online learning, students can find MOOCs of their liking from any corner of the globe. Companies can save hundreds of millions in corporate training. And, universities no longer have to invest a quarter of their entire budget in large physical premises that host their lectures.

Online learning opens up new windows of opportunity for everyone, but it’s not always impeccable. Not all types of e-learning are showing growth, and some are even declining. Statistics on the self-paced e-learning market, for example, reveal a steep decline of 6.4% or more per year. That is despite both employees and students reporting self-paced instruction as one of the key motivators to use e-learning. In this decade, it’s likely that microlearning will rise to the top and fill in any holes left by declining numbers in the self-paced digital learning market. 

E-Learning Statistics

Corporate E-Learning

Corporations will be one of the biggest drivers of the e-learning industry during this decade, with companies spending increasingly larger percentages of their learning and development budgets on online learning. In this section, you will learn the key worldwide corporate e-learning statistics, together with the numbers behind digital learning success stories from global corporations such as IBM, Shell, and Airbus.

Pie Graph of Corporate E-Learning Decisionmakers



Global E-Learning Industry

The global online learning industry is sporting massive annual growth of 19% or more per year, and it’s set to be a $243 billion industry within two years. The United States is still at the forefront of the industry in terms of market size, but other regions such as Europe, Latin America, and Asia are also starting to become increasingly prevalent players in the industry.

United States of America

Educational institutions and corporations in the U.S continue to lead the online learning industry.

European Union

Europe is starting to embrace digital learning, with countries such as Germany and France taking center stage.

Online Course & MOOC

The massive open online course (MOOC) enrollment statistics show unprecedented growth of 29% per year starting from 2020 and today nearly all top U.S universities already offer online courses. Recent data also reveals that the vast majority of online course users are highly educated with a Bachelor’s degree or higher. 

Online Education

The data on online education shows worldwide growth. The most recent statistics show that most K-12, undergraduate and graduate students are in favor of using e-learning in schools. Educational institutions see digital learning as a way to rejuvenate the stagnant numbers of student enrollment, and students see e-learning in schools as favorable alternative to traditional classrooms.


The new generation of schoolchildren is not only digitally adept, but also highly motivated to use online learning tools.

Undergraduate Students

While the total number of undergraduate students has declined since 2010, the number of online students has been growing.